Tidbits, tips, things I read recently etc.

2025/01/07 - Find a process attached to a port

More often than not, I come across = EADDRINUSE: address already in use = while starting a local API. I used to google it and now use LLMs to find a quick solution. This time it felt weird. I felt like I should know this by heart, and here it goes.

Find the process associated with the port:

  lsof -i :<port_number>

Stop the process:

  kill <PID>  # or kill -9 <PID> for force quit
2024/12/06 - Debugging Hugo pages

One of the easiest ways to debug metadata in Hugo is by simply printing all of them on the page.

  <textarea>{{ . | jsonify }}</textarea>

To view the raw content of a page:

  <textarea>{{ .Content | safeHTML }}</textarea>

I prefer <textarea> because it provides an easy way to view and expand the output using the browser's resize handle.

2024/12/03 - Trace in Haskell

trace is a debugging function in Haskell, similar to a log or print statement in other languages. It allows you to log messages while evaluating expressions.

Here’s an example:

  import System.IO
  import Debug.Trace (trace)

  main :: IO ()
  main = do
      let x = 1 + 2
      let y = x + 3
      trace ("trace x == " ++ show x) $
          trace ("trace y == " ++ show y) $ do
              let z = x + y
              putStrLn ("z == " ++ show z)

      putStrLn "Done!"

We can also use trace when defining variables. Whenever the variable's value is evaluated, trace logs the message. For example:

  ghci> import Debug.Trace (trace)
  ghci> let nu = trace ("OG value of nu == " ++ show 7) 7
  ghci> nu
  OG value of nu == 7
  ghci> x = nu + 7
  ghci> x
  OG value of nu == 7
  ghci> y = x + 7
  ghci> y
  OG value of nu == 7
2024/12/01 - MongoDB Database Creation

Apparently, you can't create a MongoDB database without creating a collection.

Ideally, the following command should create a database:


However, it doesn't. A MongoDB database is created only when data is inserted. To work around this, we insert an empty document into the random collection:
